Saturday, October 6, 2007

Working at home!

Jody and his dad have been working really hard on building our deck in the back yard. Of course the are used to having an extra set of hands around trying to 'help'. But now they have two sets. Both boys want to be out there and involved. Carter is a pretty good helper already. Jaxon, well, he just tastes the wood and plays with it. But, he is out there and happy.

Playing peek as the wood is being put down.
Carter has discovered a whole new world under the deck now. He has claimed it as his new fort.

Helping Daddy. Jody took a day off to work on the deck. He and Carter started a fire and had it going all day so they could burn the leftover wood. Carter loved having his daddy home and being able to help him.

It was so nice out that we decided to roast hotdogs and have lunch outside.My hardworking guys!

At home!

Some random shots from the last couple of weeks.

Jaxon does not know how to crawl yet, but you would never know by how well he can get around. He manages to scoot or twist and turn all over the place to get where he wants to. Of course, the places where he wants to go are the places he shouldn't, like the movie shelf, the stereo and tv, etc.

Playing peek in the lanudry hamper.

Yes, he has discovered the dish washer and is loving it! What is it about that thing that kids are so attracted to?

Carter just happened to have a nap during the day one day and this is what we were doing at 10:30 that night. Let's just say, Jody and I agreed that Carter should not have long naps anymore.
Going to pick up Carter from preschool. He really does enjoy the wagon, but I had to wake him from his nap to get to preschool on time! Sorry bud!We packed up the wagon and headed off to the school to play on the play structures. Loaded in the wagon was the knight costume (Carter has a castle party and dress-up day at preschool next time, so we got a knight costume). He wears it all of the time.

Fall Fun!

The boys really enjoyed playing in the leaves this fall. Well, Carter liked playing in them, and Jaxon liked eating them!

Carter thought he would help Jaxon eat the leaves by feeding them to him. Jaxon didn't take too kindly to his big brother's idea of 'help'.
On a warm Friday afternoon, we picked up Cole and met the Apperly's at the park for an afternoon of bike riding and playing. The kids loved rolling around in the leaves.
They all took turns being burried in the leaves. That is Carter's head you see sticking out of the pile.

Last Monday me and the boys headed off to Morden for a quick visit. We decided to go for a walk with the wagon and pick up some pumpkins at one the stands. Carter thought it was pretty cool to get up there and go through all of the pumpkins. Of course, we had to pick the biggest one for him and the tiniest one for Jaxon.Jaxon wasn't so sure about all of this at first. But once he tried tasting all of the gourds, he was well entertained. Taking a break.
Back at Nana and Pa's with our loot.