Monday, June 18, 2007

Another great camping weekend!

Aside from all of the bugs that were out this weekend, it was a beautiful weekend for camping. Friday and Saturday were sunny and very warm. This weekend, there were about 20 of us camping. It seemed a bit busier for us this year as Carter wanted to do more than just sit around and play near us. There were water gun fights, bike rides, playng tag with the kids, roasting marchmallows, playing at the play structure, swimming, and late night adult visiting by the fire. A good time was had by all. We spent a lot of time at the beach on Saturday with Carter and Jaxon as there seemed to be way less bugs down by the water. Carter loved the sand and swimming (eventhough the water was a bit cool). Here are some pics of Carter playing with Mila and Kyler.

I asked Carter why he needed the noodle as he already had a life jacket and he said that it was so that when he was swimming his legs would float up and not touch the seaweed. Very clever I thought!

Swimming with Kyler. Mila is in the background with Kelly.

The biggest hit of beach was trying to get as much sand on their bodies as possible and then run in the water as fast as they can to wash it off. It entertained them forever. Kyler and Carter nicknamed eachother cinnamon buns because of all of the sand on them.

Jaxon relaxing with Roberta in the shade.

Jaxon even liked the cool water. He wasn't so sure about the waves though at first. Once he was wet, it was all good.

Deep concentration, this water is very cold.

Ah! Nice and cool in the camper. Time to unwind a bit after playing hard at the beach.

Roasting marshmallows. Always a big hit.

A brother bonding moment.

Now, we were supposed to be getting ready for bed and relaxing! That doesn't look like relaxing to me.

Carter is getting a 'penalty' from his bud, Brad the ref.

June 8 and 9 camping!

The weekend of June 8 and 9, we went to Cavalier camping. (I posted another set of pics from that weekend earlier, but I now have these to add.) Saturday evening Carter's Grandma and Grandpa came by for a visit and supper. Here are some of the pictures they took.

This is pretty much all Carter did for the entire weekend. He rode bike everywhere with his friends Guerin and Carson.

We went camping with Hartley, Michelle and their baby girl Madison. Lots of fun!

I just love this shot of Jaxon. Can we say teething?

Spending time with Grandma and Grandpa.

Here is the other favourite thing to do at Cavalier, play on the play structure. A LOT of time was spent there.

Very nice shot of Carter. He had to take his radio with him when biking so he knew when to come back for meals. Very independent!

Meal time! This was the last weekend without bugs. It was so nice!

Preschool concert

June 14th was Carter's Preschool concert as an end of year wind-up. Over the last year, he has made lots of new friends and loved going to school. He was quite sad to know that it was now all over for a while.

Here is his class. His buds Cole, Guerin, Nicolas, William and Danika were in his class with him.

Of course he and Cole had to stand beside eachother (not sure why the teacher allows those two goofs to be so close!). They were so cute together though. They often improvised their own actions to the songs which lead to many giggles from them as well as the audience. Cole's mom and I just wish their teachers luck once they hit school.

Looks so innocent!?!?! It was a very cute performance and Carter knew all of the words and actions to go along. He loves to perform and was very excited about being on stage. Way to go Carter!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Last Day of Preschool

Yesterday was Carter's last day of Pre-school. He was quite sad as he thought it would last forever. He had been going once a week since September and loved seeing all of his friends there. Plus, now with Jaxon around, it was something that he thought was special to him and that only big boys got to do (not little baby brothers). I added on picture of him from September (wearing the black shirt and jeans) as a comparison from the first day to the last day of school. After I picked him up, we had our lunch and Jaxon got to join us at the table in his high chair. Carter thought that was pretty cool, being able to sit beside Jaxon and take care of him while he ate. Boy, do they grow up fast.

Camping Fun!

This last weekend we decided to go camping seeing as it was supposed to be so nice out. Well, the weather was amazing (except for rain late Saturday night) and so we all spent as much time as possible soaking up the sun. The kids had a blast together. Carter was busy riding his bike all weekend or playing with water and the dirt. Sunday we spent part of the afternoon before heading home, at the beach. Though the water was still quite cool, the kids had fun in the sand. Jaxon loved being outside and slept a lot (all the fresh air and activity wore him right out).

Thursday, June 7, 2007

bike rodeo

Yesterday was our local police bike rodeo where the kids come to learn or get a refresher on bike safety. It was a very cool evening, but Carter had fun riding his bike around with all of the other kids. There were three stations the kids had to go through with their bikes and then they all got to pick a prize. Carter thought it was pretty cool being able to ride with the big kids and in front of the police officers.