Friday, September 21, 2007

The Zoo!

Last Sunday was so nice and warm that we decided to go to the Zoo with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Eric and Auntie Marlo. Carter was very excited to see all of the animals. We did lots of walking and saw many things very quickly. Going to the zoo with a 4 year old, you don't waste time stopping to watch the animals. You quickly look and then move on apparently. But we still had loads of fun.

Auntie Marlo was our fearless leader. It was not an easy job with this crew, but somebody had to take the reins and she did a fine job. Though, I am sure there was plenty we did not see as it was hard to keep everyone together (almost like taking a field trip with students).

Jaxon was a trooper as usual. He could have cared less where he was or what he did as long as there was food near by. For a little guy out in the hot weather (+29) all afternoon, he did very well.

Carter's favourite animals were the monkeys. I wonder why!
Like I said, I wonder why he likes the monkeys the best. He is such a little climber.Jaxon playing with Grandma.

Feeding the birds was another highlight.
And feeding the bears. Carter thought it was pretty funny how he could pretend to feed this bear.Carter was really hoping to be able to ride in one of the buggies/strollers, but they were all gone by the time we got there. As predicted, he quickly got tired of walking and spent a lot of time up on Grandpa's shoulders. He still loves his piggy-back rides.
He thought he could catch that peacock, but then decided that chasing it was way more fun (such a boy). It was a good thing the bird was in a pleasant mood that day.
Had to get a picture of Jaxon somewhere else then always in the stroller. Poor guy. Most pictures of him during family excursions are of him in the stroller or sleeping. He thought this was fun too. He kept hitting the camel's head. I think he just liked the different view than from the stroller.

On to the next exhibit!
Finally, just as we came to the end, we saw a few jeep strollers available. Oh well!

A visit to Morden

One weekend while Jody was away, me and the boys went and stayed in Morden with my parents. We had a great time. Papa showed Carter the dirt bike track just down the street from them, and that was all it took. After that, Carter didn't want to do anything else, but ride his bike.

Sunday morning we all (along with Julie and Nicolas) drove out to Crystal City to visit my Grandma. Jaxon took to her right away which was very special to see. He loved sitting with her and I know she enjoyed it too.

Grandma had been invited out for lunch, so after a short visit, we drove her out to her friends' place. It just happened to be on a farm and was a bed and breakfast. Carter could not get enough of all of the animals there. He kept saying how he wanted to live on a farm like I used to and how he wanted to bring all of the animals home with us (especially the kittens - there were 9). Yeah, I am sure daddy would have been in favour of that!!!!

The horses were out in the pasture and didn't want to come in. So Mr. Hildebrand had to go and get them. Carter wanted to go too, so without giving it another thought, he ran right after him and had many stories to share on his way back as the horses followed.

Jaxon and Nicolas didn't mind the horses until they started making their snorting noises. Then the boys were done. Time to move on!

Checking out the sheep with Pa. Trying to keep 9 kittens in one place for a picture is not that easy to do. But very cute to watch. He was determined to have all of the kittens on his lap, sitting still! Jaxon was not too sure about the kittens. One was enough!

Random shots in September!

Jaxon is loving his swing. We have spent so little time in it this summer seeing as we were gone camping so much or at the town pool. But, this fall he can't seem to get enough of it.

Our little guy is not so little anymore. He is really enjoying table food. He loves spaghetti and any finger food (especially fruit). I think he just likes making a mess and playing around more than anything.

Friday night supper. Roasting hotdogs and popping popcorn and a little bit of ice cream for dessert. It was a great evening to be outside.

Jaxon has been trying really hard lately to become more mobile. He is pulling himself up onto things and has figured out how to scoot a bit on his bottom. So, we thought we would see how he liked the musical ride-on that Carter had as a baby. I think the smile says it all. FREEDOM!!!

Enjoying some giggles with Papa!

Happy belated birthday Nana. We did celebrate her brithday on the actual day. But a couple of weekends later, they went up to Dairy Queen to get an ice cream and came home with a Spiderman cake (I wonder who chose that?). So, we said that it could be Nana's birthday cake.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Carter's first day at preschool!

Carter started preschool again this fall. He was very excited. He wanted to eat part of his breakfast in bed with Jaxon as he read a story (he is now in preschool, so he figures he can automatically read). He was determined to wear his new jersey that daddy gave him (which he wanted to wear all week in fact). It was too cool outside for a picture of him in front of the house as he wanted to show off his jersey and therefore refused to wear a jacket for the picture. So this year's picture was taken inside. Then, it was off to preschool. Once there, it was like he had never left. A few of his good buddies were there so he quickly found them and the chaos began. Can't believe he will be starting kindergarten next year.