Thursday, September 20, 2007

End of Summer Shots

Carter got his first ride on a Harley with our neighbour Herb. He loved it, though at times he found it quite loud. Who knew a Harley could get loud just riding in our little bay. (For those of you freaking out because neither of them are wearing helmets, don't worry, they only went up and down our little bay, which is about four houses).

One warm day in early September, we decided to go and check out the fish in the nature pond here in town. Ange Apperly and kids, and Rita Scharff and kids joined us. It was a great morning. The kids fed the fish and ran through the grass and then played at the playground. It was a lot of fun.These were the 3 youngest ones on our walk. Jaxon is in the far stroller.

With all of the moving that Jaxon wants to do, we decided to try out the old jolly jumper that Carter loved. Jaxon enjoyed it for a little while, but couldn't quite get the hang of it. It was cute to watch though. He would much rather sit on the floor and scoot around on his bottom. It sure won't be long before he is crawling. He has almost got the hang of it, plus he is starting to pull himself up onto things.

One of the last days at the pool.

Carter was bored one day, so we came up with the idea of making a ramp for his bike. But, we couldn't find any plywood, just some leftover pieces of gyprock. Surprsingly, they lasted for quite a while. But, now we finally have some plywood. He loves being able to do his tricks on his bike as he goes over the ramp. Jaxon and I are always given the job of cheering him on from the sidelines.
Neighbours Herb and Val have a fire going every weekend. This was Jaxon's first Friday night fire at their house. Herb decided that the chair that Carter was sitting in needed to be burned as it was falling apart. Carter was very excited to be able to watch his chair burn. It created quite the flames too. We all quickly moved back a few feet as it got mighty warm.

This was Jaxon's first time in the hot tub. He loved it.

My guys!