Friday, August 31, 2007


Even with out busy summer we still found time to make a trip to Tinkertown. I took the boys with Robin, Mackenzie and Cole and Ryan, Sheryl Penner and their 3 kids. This was Carter's first time to Tinkertown. He had a great time, as did all of the kids. There was so much to do and eat, that we ended up staying all afternoon and closing the place down at 7:00 p.m.

So many rides, so little time - was the theme for the day. Going on the rides 2, 3, and sometimes even four times, they never got old. It was hard to keep up with all of the kids, but so much fun to watch. Carter and Cole pretty much went on all of the rides together. They were inseperable that day.

Carter was not too sure about this ride at first. He didn't know if he liked the idea of how high it went and how fast. But as soon as he saw Cole and the other kids waiting to go on, he was right there in line with them. After that he kept wanting to go on.

The boys thought it was pretty cool to be able to go on this ride by themselves and spin the apple. After going on it once with me and seeing how dizzy they got, I thought that would be it for that ride. How wrong I was. They went on that one at least 2 more times.

Best buds off to the next ride. I didn't know little legs could move so fast.

The boys had a lot of fun in front of these mirrors. It was hard for me to keep a straight face watching them giggle at themselves. They kept wanting to go back to these time and time again.

This ride ended up being a workout for Robin (sorry about that) as the boys wanted to go over and over again. I don't know how many times they climbed those stairs. Unfortunately I had to stay and look after Jaxon.

Of course, there were times when we had to wait for the other kids to finish their rides. This was a rare moment when both Carter and Cole were sitting still. Jaxon loved all of the action that day and loved all of the attention he got from Carter and Cole.