Friday, August 24, 2007

August Long Weekend

We ended up getting to Detroit Lakes a little later in the week then we had hoped to, but the time we spent there was still a lot of fun. We got there just in time for the annual Wefest which made the area super busy. A lot of our friends were already there enjoying the warm weather. There were Hartley, Michelle and Madison, Jim, Ange, and kids, Steve and Tanya, Quinn and Carly, Malcolm, Jocelyn and kids, Kim, and us. We had a great time with everyone. Carter loved hanging out with his friends Guerin and Carson again, but also REALLY liked being around Steve and Tanya. It was very cute to see.

A place we always have to visit at least once while in Detroit Lakes is Zorba's. Love the macho nacho's and pizza.

There is a train track that runs right at the back of the campground and a train is guaranteed to go by at least once a day if not more. So, one day Carter and I took some pennies and placed them on the track. Carter loved this and was very excited the next day when we went back to find all of our pennies flattened.

Playing in the camper after a nap!

The last day there was so nice that we all decided to go mini-golfing, go-carting and bumper boating. Fun was had by all.

High-fives to Steve!
Jaxon just couldn't keep up with all of the action. It's a good thing he doesn't mind sleeping in his stroller.

After golf, it was on to go-carting. Carter was in his glory when he found out that they had cars made for big boys. He and Guerin raced around there and loved it.

Then it was on to the big cars with the adults. Thumbs up, we are ready to go.

Last stop, the bumper boats. It was a good thing it was warm that day as we all got a little wet.