Friday, August 24, 2007

Family Get Together

After the festival in Winkler we all headed back to Mom and Dad's for supper and a huge family sleep-over (we were just missing Shelley, Kimmo and the boys). The kids had a lot of fun getting spoiled by Nana and Papa and we had fun watching how they interacted with eachother.

Helping Pa put the final screws into his new shed.

Playing together the next morning.

Nicolas and Jaxon couldn't figure out the whole soother thing. They kept trying to grab eachothers. At one point they were sucking on the other's soother while it was still attached to their own shirts. They were getting frustrated as to why they couldn't go anywhere like that. It was terribly funny.

Poor Jaxon. His big brother thought it was so funny to put this thing on Jaxon's head. You can see Carter's finger in the picture pointing at it. The teasing is well underway. Just wait Carter, one day he will get you back.