Monday, February 11, 2008

Christmas with Nana and Papa!

On December 29th we got together with Nana, Papa, Uncle Jaret, Auntie Julie and cousin Nicolas. Again, there was plenty of food, fun and lots of gifts to be opened. It was really neat to watch the boys play together. Things sure have changed since last Christmas. Both Nicolas and Jaxon are on the move and Carter loves being able to interact with them.

Another of Carter's favourite gifts this year were all of the costumes he got. He started the day off as Batman...

But it wasn't long before he became super ninja fighter. This is what he wore all evening.

Oh yeah, he hasn't forgotten about his new video 'learning leapfrog' game. He got a new game from Nana and Papa and had to try it out.

Big hugs for Nicolas. 'Thanks for the present.'

Eventhough this was not Jaxon's gift, he quickly claimed it and if anyone came near it, a high-pitched shreak was heard throughout the house!

Taking a break and checking out the toybox.

Can't forget about the wrestling match. Always have to get at least one in.
Nic decides that wrestling looks like fun. So he joins in. I can't wait to see these guys (and Shelley and Kimmo's two boys) together in a few years. Look out!
That's one tired little boy. Still able to get some Auntie time in. A busy Christmas.