Saturday, April 5, 2008

Spring Fever!

A day after we got back from Mexico Carter had his skating carnival. He had been taking lessons all year and this was the big finale. He dressed up in sunglasses, jean jacket and skates and his group skated to "Twist and Shout". It was very cute and he was very proud.

Carter decided one day that he wanted to try shaving like Daddy does. So, he got out a shaver and the cream and went to it. after everything was said and done, he figured one time was good and that maybe he should wait a few years. I think it stung a bit. Oh well, we live and learn. He still had fun though.

Splashing in the water. It is so cold, but they don't care.

Carter had Cole over for a sleepover one day last week and when they woke up there was a layer of snow on the ground. It didn't take long and they were outside playing in it and had decided to make a snowman. They were so proud of themselves because they had made this snowman all by themselves. I came in time to snap the pictures. But, they weren't too excited about the fact that the poor snowman had pretty much melted by noon. Good try though guys! It looked great.

Even with grass to play on, the boys still love the snow. Before this picture was taken, Jaxon was face down in the snow trying to get as much of the dirty stuff in his mouth as he could. Carter thought he would help out, so he chopped up a block for him to suck on instead. Thanks bud!

His looks tell it all!

We decided that a picnic with real snacks and water would taste way better than any dirty snow.

Carter thought it would be funny to put Jaxon in this wagon and pull him around the house. Little did he know that Jaxon would love it and now it seems that is always carrying that wagon around hoping that someone will pull him.