Sunday, January 27, 2008


We took a last minute trip to Fargo, December 27 - 28, for a one night's stay at a hotel with the boys. Carter was very excited to swim in the pool and that is exactly what we did. We had a blast. We spent a lot of time in the pool with the boys. Jaxon seemed to enjoy as much as Carter did. The water was even warm enough that Carter, Jaxon and I could go in and feel comfortable in it (we are such chickens when it comes to cold water). Jaxon quickly tired from the long trip there and all of the action, but was a real good sport about it all.

After the swimming, we ordered in supper, watched some tv, played some games, ate lOTS of snacks and eventually crashed. The next morning, was more swimming, breakfast, a little bit of shopping (I think we went to Toys R US and that was it - Crazy stuff I know!). After shopping, we had a bite to eat at a great restaurant for kids, then we were headed home. It was a quick, but very fun trip. One that we are counting down the days to doing again.

Eventhough the pictures don't show it, I was actually on this trip too, but for some reason I am always behind the camera and therefore rarely in the pictures themselves.

Within minutes of getting to the hotel, Carter was wearing his swim trunks and anxiously waiting for us to take him to the pool. He has only asked about a million times this winter when we could go to a hotel and go swimming. Jaxon loved the water and loved splashing his brother.

Taking a ride on the 'new speed boat'.

A very tired little swimmer. Time for some supper and a nap. Supper, hotel style. No high chair and reheated mac n' cheese brought from home. Yum! Yum!The next morning. More swimming. Yes, I did go in the pool too.
Carter wanted to jump to daddy, but had a very strict instructions as to how far away from the wall he was supposed to stand. Nope, not close enough.'I said right there Daddy. You are still too far away.""Okay, good enough. From there, I shouldn't get my head wet." Jaxon loving the water.
For lunch we went to a very cool restaurant, "Space Aliens." After eating, we spent some time in the very big, games room.

Christmas Day!

I don't think that Carter or myself, could have been more excited about Santa coming this year. It is so much fun getting ready for Santa's big arrival and waiting to open the presents with the boys.

Here we are getting the cookies and chocolate milk ready for Santa and the carrots for the reindeer. Jaxon wasn't so sure what all of the excitement was all about, but Carter was almost bouncing off the walls all night long.

Christmas morning. The waiting was almost too much for Carter. We had a great Christmas with the boys. We stayed home all day and had the grandparents over in the evening. We were able to open gifts, play, go snowmobiling, have a nap, relax and enjoy the day. It was wonderful. the boys loved their gifts, even Jaxon. Though I think he liked the wrapping paper just as much.
It didn't take long before both boys got right into the whole gift-opening thing.
As you can tell, he was very excited to open this one. He kept saying that every gift he opened was his favourite one. When he got this one unwrapped, he was speachless. He just kept smiling and letting out a little giggle. That said it all. THIS ONE was his favourite. It was a terrainiac. According to Carter, it is a remote control vehicle that can go on snow, water, land and DESERT sand (because that is what the commercial said).
Big hugs for Daddy.

Another one of Carter's favourite gifts was a Leapfrog L-Max, a learning type video game. With different cartridges, it teaches the letters, numbers, words and math skills. He could not get enough of this 'video game'. He played it all morning it seemed.See, still playing it as he waits for Daddy to get ready for their snowmobile ride. I loved it, because it is educational and he loves it because it's his first video game, so he says.

Wearing the new pj's Santa brought.Merry Christmas!

Harms' Christmas

December 16th the Harms family gathered for lunch at the Winkler golf course and then about 40 people invaded my parents' home in Morden. This was the first year that everyone (including all grandkids and their significant others) except, unfortunately Shelley, Kimmo and the boys were together. It was great to catch up with my cousins and to see Grandma Harms again.

I was surprised when I asked Carter if he wanted to sing a couple of his songs for Grandma and he said, "sure". Again, he does not get this from his mother.
Here is about half of the family. It was a great day of eating, visiting, singing and enjoying each other's company.
Carter and Nicolas, opening their gifts from Grandma Harms.

Jaxon's little drum set was a big hit. As you will see, it is hard to get them both looking at the same time and smiling. First Carter....
now Jaxon. Work with me boys, help me out a bit! It would have been such a good picture too. Oh well, I am sure I will try to take more.

Random stuff

When Carter was a baby, he loved riding in this thing too. Now he gets to push Jaxon.
Carter got a Diego t-shirt that he was able to colour himself. He thought that it was pretty cool that he could make his own shirt.

The final product, signature and all.
While Carter and I were busy with the t-shirt, it quickly became very quiet in the house. No sign of Jaxon anywhere, which is not a good thing as it can only mean trouble. Sure enough, while we were not looking, Jaxon had found his way over to the diaper bag that I had just packed up. After taking almost everything out of the bag, he discovered the muffin and was enjoying it as well as making a big mess on the floor. Trouble, with a capital T.
The first real snowfall came and we quickly went outisde to make the most of the white stuff. Jaxon wasn't quite sure what to make of it all, but he seemed to enjoy it.

Carter was very excited when Daddy had to use Herb's snowblower. He, of course, wanted to help.

Jaxon has been very busy lately. This is just one of many things he has managed to climb up unto or into. Such a curious little guy.

They are actually starting to play together at times. Well, okay, maybe they are just playing next to each other, but we are getting there.

Carter wanted to make a craft for his friends and cousins this Christmas, so here he is gluing and putting together some Christmas bells.

Carter's Christmas concert

Carter's Christmas concert was entertaining as usual. They were all so cute and they did such a great job. Carter was so proud to be performing in front of a crowd (definitely does not get that from his mom).
His first play. He was very proud to be a Wiseman. We just wish that he would worry about what he is supposed to do and everyone else around him too. He was a very busy teacher's helper that day and yet the teacher never really asked or needed a helper. It was quite cute though.

Of course Carter and Cole had to sit beside eachother once again. However, this year, Carter's friend Cassidy stole the show as she sat beside Carter. She was too cute with her many hugs and snuggles she kept giving Carter during the concert. Carter, on the other hand, tried very hard not to let her distract him from his ability to perform. We laughed until we cried watching those two.
After the concert, Nana stayed to play for a bit and we decided to build our gingerbread train with her. It was hard to keep Carter's fingers out of the candy while we made it (okay, maybe Carter's and mommy's - apparently he gets his sweet-tooth from me).