Sunday, January 27, 2008

Random stuff

When Carter was a baby, he loved riding in this thing too. Now he gets to push Jaxon.
Carter got a Diego t-shirt that he was able to colour himself. He thought that it was pretty cool that he could make his own shirt.

The final product, signature and all.
While Carter and I were busy with the t-shirt, it quickly became very quiet in the house. No sign of Jaxon anywhere, which is not a good thing as it can only mean trouble. Sure enough, while we were not looking, Jaxon had found his way over to the diaper bag that I had just packed up. After taking almost everything out of the bag, he discovered the muffin and was enjoying it as well as making a big mess on the floor. Trouble, with a capital T.
The first real snowfall came and we quickly went outisde to make the most of the white stuff. Jaxon wasn't quite sure what to make of it all, but he seemed to enjoy it.

Carter was very excited when Daddy had to use Herb's snowblower. He, of course, wanted to help.

Jaxon has been very busy lately. This is just one of many things he has managed to climb up unto or into. Such a curious little guy.

They are actually starting to play together at times. Well, okay, maybe they are just playing next to each other, but we are getting there.

Carter wanted to make a craft for his friends and cousins this Christmas, so here he is gluing and putting together some Christmas bells.