Sunday, January 27, 2008

Harms' Christmas

December 16th the Harms family gathered for lunch at the Winkler golf course and then about 40 people invaded my parents' home in Morden. This was the first year that everyone (including all grandkids and their significant others) except, unfortunately Shelley, Kimmo and the boys were together. It was great to catch up with my cousins and to see Grandma Harms again.

I was surprised when I asked Carter if he wanted to sing a couple of his songs for Grandma and he said, "sure". Again, he does not get this from his mother.
Here is about half of the family. It was a great day of eating, visiting, singing and enjoying each other's company.
Carter and Nicolas, opening their gifts from Grandma Harms.

Jaxon's little drum set was a big hit. As you will see, it is hard to get them both looking at the same time and smiling. First Carter....
now Jaxon. Work with me boys, help me out a bit! It would have been such a good picture too. Oh well, I am sure I will try to take more.