Sunday, July 6, 2008

Busy times!

This update will not be in order of the pictures. But I will try my best. May seemed to fly by as the snow finally disappeared and we were able to go outside without having to bundle up. Carter started baseball, which he just loved. He couldn't wait for the two nights a week that he played ball. He was so proud to be on a team and to have his daddy coach. They learned so fast and made so much progress in a few short weeks, it was amazing.

Jaxon loved running through the puddles for the first time and chasing after Carter in the pouring rain. He even enjoyed eating dirt while Carter and I were busy trying to get our garden ready for planting. However, Jaxon didn't think it was much fun when Carter tried to hose him down with the cold water from the garden hose. Carter, on the other hand, thought it was great fun. Jax did get over it though.

We also had our first camping trip of the season over May Long weekend. The boys loved being outside and exploring everywhere with their friends. It was always a chore to get them to come into the camper for meals or bed. Jaxon would sit at the door and cry while trying to put his own shoes on. The weather was typical May Long weekend, cool and breezy, but we still had lots of fun.

Carter wanted to plant vegetables this year in our garden and so we did. But, we don't have a very big yard which means we have a really small garden. So, we decided to plant some of our stuff in large pots. It worked great. Both boys love to help me water the plants.

Carter's Grandma bought him a pair of cowboy boots at a garage sale. He didn't really know what to think of them at first, until his friend Aria came over to play wearing a pair of shoes that made a tapping sound when she walked. Carter wanted to make that sound too, and so he put his boots on. It was a very attractive look we thought. He was pumped that he now had tapping boots.

Other things that kept us busy were going for bike rides to the parks, playing in our back yard and enjoying the nice, warm weather. Jaxon always seemed to get into something and have this look on his face saying, "What? Me?" It will be a very busy summer for us with these two.