Sunday, July 6, 2008

Summer Fun!

Playing baseball. He was bored while in the outfield, waiting for the batter to hit the ball.

Trying to enterain himself, waiting for the ball to come. Sprinkling grass on his hat.

Pumped that he got grass to stay on his hat. Just don't move now man.I can just see him thinking, "Hmmm, let's see if I can take the hat off without losing any of the grass." Now, if Iwasn't laughing so much at this whole process and I would have kept shooting, I would have taken pics of him putting the hat on the ground and beaming with pride that he kept the grass on the hat. Way to stay focused during the game Carter!!!

This was the last day for baseball. Everyone got a medal, and a freezie to celebrate.

Playing ball with his friends, Guerin, Nicholas, Cole, and Ryan

Yo, yo, yo! I just want to be like my big brother. Had to wear the hat and jacket in order to go outside. This is already much better than what he has come up with on other days. We have seen toques, scarves, neon shades, winter boots, rubber boots, and others, just to go outside in plus 30 weather. We like to say that he beats to his own drum and does it his way. Very cute, but can be time consuming too.

Preschool concert. We had just come from swimming lessons, so he was a little tuckered out. But he was very proud to be up there in front of everyone.

Getting ready to go up on stage. Standing with his best buds, Cole and Guerin.

Off to Tinkertown for the afternoon. It was VERY hot that day, and Carter wasn't feeling the greatest, so we didn't stay long, but he did get to go on the rides he had really wanted to, so he was happy.

Could you imagine two of Jaxon? Wow! And I thought I was tired now. On the other hand, two cutie's like him, yeah, I'd take it. They grow out of the busy stage right?????

Swimming lessons! This year Carter was very excited about swimming lessons, because he taught himself how to swim without a life jacket and how to swim under water with his eyes open. It's the smallest things!

Yeah! They passed!

Camping again!

Enjoying the rain!

Fun in the rain. These pics were actually supposed to be in the May update. Oops!

Eating supper outside. What could be better?

Yes, that is a bottle of Worchestershire sauce he is carrying around. He thought it was terribly funny to hold and suck on the closed lid.