Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day!

We spent the day on Sunday in Winnipeg and had a blast. Our nephew Nicolas is now crawling and exploring everywhere. It was fun to see the boys playing together(okay, well at least Carter and Nicolas were).

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Four months old!

Wow! This past week Jaxon turned four months old. He has changed so much. In this last month, he has found his toes, started grabbing at things and actually succeeding at getting them. He giggles and has lots of smiles. He is quite vocal and has found lots of different sounds to make, including blowing bubbles as he drools. Everything within reach goes into his mouth. He can roll over from his back to his side and ALMOST make it on to his belly. It is so much fun to watch him change and become his own little person.
I had to quickly take these pictures of Jaxon before Carter woke up as he would want to be in the pictures too. It is hard to take any of just Jaxon these days. :-)
Too late!

Carter loves swinging with Jaxon and Jaxon seems to enjoy it too if only the sun wouldn't be so bright in his eyes.

Time to relax on the hammock. Can't wait for more lazy days like this one. What a great end to a beautiful day. Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers out there! Enjoy your day!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

All Dressed up!

On April 28th we attended Jody's cousin Amy's wedding. It was a great evening, a beautiful ceremony and the boys looked so good in their outfits (okay, I am their mom, I can brag). Jaxon got to meet a number of family and friends and both boys enjoyed spending time with Grandma, Grandpa and the aunts and uncles.

Biker dude!

Here's our little 'crazy frog!" He got new swimming goggles, but found them to be better for biking with so that it wouldn't be as bright on his eyes! Whatever works!

Daddy's big helper!

We just finished renovations in our bathroom and Carter wanted to be a part of every step. For the most part he was a big helper painting, cleaning up and carrying things for Daddy. But there were a few things that he just couldn't help with. That didn't stop him from trying though. Thanks for the help buddy!

Lazy Sunday afternoon!

One Sunday afternoon a couple of weeks ago it was so nice outside that we spent most of it outdoors. Carter had discovered the discman. So he relaxed with a few tunes from his Lightning McQueen soundtrack while Jaxon just enjoyed the new scenery outside. It was a great day and we can't wait to have more days like it.

Brotherly Love

From the moment Jaxon came into this world, Carter has adored him. He can not hug, kiss, hold and just plain be around Jaxon enough. He is the best big brother we could ask for. Jaxon has really started to respond to Carter too. He will always turn and look for him when he hears his voice, and Carter is so good at getting Jaxon to smile. What an awesome bond they have already. Let's hope it continues through the years.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Great Grandma Harms

Enjoying a moment with Great Grandma Harms. She just loves being around the kids.

Quality family time!

And then there were 5. Yes, that is right! Five grandsons, all under the age of 3. At the time of this picture, their ages are: (our boys) Jaxon- 2 months, Carter - 3 years, (Shelley and Kimmo's boys) Sam - 1 year, Nathan - 4 months, (Jaret and Julie's boy) Nicolas - 8 months. They are a handful and yet they are a lot of fun.

I don't think that Jaxon nor Nathan even realized that the other existed in this picture. Just wait though. In a few years, they will be playing and getting into things together, keeping their parents hopping.

Carter was so excited to be staying in a hotel room that had bunkbeds. He, of course, claimed the top one for himself, which left the bottom one for Jaxon. He was a very proud boy to be sleeping atop a bunkbed.
After lots of swimming and visiting by the pool, it was time to relax before bed.
Hard to believe that there are 4 months between these two boys. They were so cute together.

Jaxon had no problems hanging out by the pool, as long as he was facing out and had lots to look at. Wouldn't want to miss a thing!

One of the reasons for Shelley, Kimmo and the boys coming to Manitoba in March was to celebrate Sam's first birthday together as a family. He didn't care too much for the cake though. Apparently he is not too fond of sweets. What?? He doesn't know what he is missing!

Where to start!

Well, at first I contemplated where to start our blog. But I thought I would start at about March when my sister and brother-in-law and their two boys came out from B.C. for a visit. We had lots of catching up to do. There were 2 new additions to the family since the last time we were all together. So, we were busy. Not just with visiting, but with diaper changings, feedings, nap times, play times and a few (very few) quiet moments where the adults could actually sit down and chat with eachother, as all of the kids seemed to be on different routines. There were a total of 5 grandkids, all boys, and all under the age of 3. But we had a great time and we can't wait to see how much the kids have changed by the next time we see eachother. Here are a few shots of our visit.

Hello everyone!

Wow! We are finally doing this. Hopefully it will be easier and more convenient for people to get the pictures and keep up to date on what we are doing and how the boys are changing. Now, this is all new to us, but we are going to try and keep it updated with lots of pictures of the boys (there definitely will be no shortage of pictures to choose from, that is for sure) and the going-on's around here. We hope you enjoy it and feel free to send comments or just a quick hello to let us know how you are doing. We would love to hear from you.