Friday, May 4, 2007

Quality family time!

And then there were 5. Yes, that is right! Five grandsons, all under the age of 3. At the time of this picture, their ages are: (our boys) Jaxon- 2 months, Carter - 3 years, (Shelley and Kimmo's boys) Sam - 1 year, Nathan - 4 months, (Jaret and Julie's boy) Nicolas - 8 months. They are a handful and yet they are a lot of fun.

I don't think that Jaxon nor Nathan even realized that the other existed in this picture. Just wait though. In a few years, they will be playing and getting into things together, keeping their parents hopping.

Carter was so excited to be staying in a hotel room that had bunkbeds. He, of course, claimed the top one for himself, which left the bottom one for Jaxon. He was a very proud boy to be sleeping atop a bunkbed.
After lots of swimming and visiting by the pool, it was time to relax before bed.
Hard to believe that there are 4 months between these two boys. They were so cute together.

Jaxon had no problems hanging out by the pool, as long as he was facing out and had lots to look at. Wouldn't want to miss a thing!

One of the reasons for Shelley, Kimmo and the boys coming to Manitoba in March was to celebrate Sam's first birthday together as a family. He didn't care too much for the cake though. Apparently he is not too fond of sweets. What?? He doesn't know what he is missing!

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