Friday, May 4, 2007

Where to start!

Well, at first I contemplated where to start our blog. But I thought I would start at about March when my sister and brother-in-law and their two boys came out from B.C. for a visit. We had lots of catching up to do. There were 2 new additions to the family since the last time we were all together. So, we were busy. Not just with visiting, but with diaper changings, feedings, nap times, play times and a few (very few) quiet moments where the adults could actually sit down and chat with eachother, as all of the kids seemed to be on different routines. There were a total of 5 grandkids, all boys, and all under the age of 3. But we had a great time and we can't wait to see how much the kids have changed by the next time we see eachother. Here are a few shots of our visit.

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