Sunday, May 13, 2007

Four months old!

Wow! This past week Jaxon turned four months old. He has changed so much. In this last month, he has found his toes, started grabbing at things and actually succeeding at getting them. He giggles and has lots of smiles. He is quite vocal and has found lots of different sounds to make, including blowing bubbles as he drools. Everything within reach goes into his mouth. He can roll over from his back to his side and ALMOST make it on to his belly. It is so much fun to watch him change and become his own little person.
I had to quickly take these pictures of Jaxon before Carter woke up as he would want to be in the pictures too. It is hard to take any of just Jaxon these days. :-)
Too late!

Carter loves swinging with Jaxon and Jaxon seems to enjoy it too if only the sun wouldn't be so bright in his eyes.

Time to relax on the hammock. Can't wait for more lazy days like this one. What a great end to a beautiful day. Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers out there! Enjoy your day!

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