Saturday, July 7, 2007

Birthday party #2

On July 5th Carter had yet another birthday party. Jody took the day off and him and Carter spent a lot of it together. They even were able to track down Herb in his grader and go for a ride. That was a definite highlight of his day. They took ice cream sandwiches to share with Herb. What a great start to his birthday. Thanks Herb!

The birthday boy! He was so pumped about having 'the grown-up party' as he put it. Both sets of grandparents came along with, Uncle Eric, Auntie Marlo, nieghbours Herb and Val, friends Kyler, Mila, Cole and their mommies and daddies, Auntie Ruth and Uncle Ken, and Amy and Mark Loewen. It was a big party for a big boy! Thank you to everyone for coming and for the gifts. He was spoiled again.

The cake! Carter didn't know what kind of cake I was getting for him. He was so surprised!

It was late and everyone had left, when Carter realized he had not played with this gift yet. It would be just awful to go to bed without at least playing with all of the gifts a bit first I guess. We finally got him to bed and he crashed. He had such a busy day and yet he had so much fun!

He had to take as many presents to bed as we would allow. So here he is fast alseep listening to his Lightning McQueen CD on his new discman from Herb and Val. Lying beside that are his 2 flashlights that he got from Grandma and Grandpa. The rest of the gifts are on the floor right beside the bed (they didn't fit on the pillow).