Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Random July shots

Carter and Jaxon love taking baths together. We finally bought this contraption for Jaxon, so he could sit up like Carter and splash around. He loves it!

A warm sunny morning and Carter thought it would be a good idea to give his bike a wash.
So much like his daddy it is crazy!

The first weekend in July was the Harms reunion in Gretna and Altona. About 200 and some Harms invaded the area and enjoyed catching up with eachother. It had been 10 years since we all got together. Now there are 352 Harms in total (not everyone came of course). Jaxon was the newest Harms. Saturday afternoon was spent at the pool in Altona. It was hot and muggy, so the pool was the best place to be. My Grandma came out to the pool and cooled off a bit herself. Here are a couple of pictures of her with the boys. Carter saw that Jaxon was getting his picture taken with her and of course he had to be in on the action.

Sunday of the reunion was a day for baseball. People of all ages came out to play and had a blast. Carter was very excited that he got to play with his Papa. However, he was not too impressed that no balls came out to them way out in the outfield. So he didn't last very long. But he still had fun.

After he was done with ball, Carter met another boy his age, Nolan (Jeremy and Lisa Hildebrand's boy) on the trampoline. They started to play chase on it and were entertained for quite a while. Jaxon couldn't handle the heat, so he slept in his stroller inside.

My Auntie Val was kind enough to keep an eye on Jaxon while I was outside with Carter. It was so nice to see everyone. There was not enough time to visit with everyone as there were about 200 there on Sunday when me and the boys went. But I did get to catch up with quite a few of my relatives. It had been a long time since I had seen some of them.

Enjoying another hot day at the pool.

The boys got into the cherries and by the end of it were wearing most of the juice on their hands and face.

Time to go home. This was the last time Carter and Cole would see eachother for a few weeks when we would meet up with them at Falcon Lake.