Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Carter's 4th birthday (party number 1)

Last week Carter had his birthday party with his friends. There were 8 boys aged 4 and 5 at our house. Thankfully my mom came over to help me with them and with Jaxon. The theme for the day, "PIRATES". Everyone got a sword and an eye patch when they arrived. What a hit that was. Group photo. Carter is third from the right.

Sword cheer! They just couldn't get enough of the noisy swords. Good thing it was nice outside.

All for one and one for all!

Then on with the games, first it was 'pirate, pirate, sword' a new name for the old game of duck, duck, goose.

Then they played the balloon popping game. There was a treasure inside each of the balloons and they had to race to pop it and get the treasure. Who would have thought I would have bought the toughest balloons out there? Those balloons were not popping for anything. They sat and sat and bounced on those silly balloons, but they would not pop.

They sat and bounced some more. Check out that stretch in that balloon. Finally we got all of the balloons popped and the treasures were discovered.

On to the 'pin the tail on the donkey' game, but this time they had to pin the 'x' on the treasure. A lot of fun and a lot of laughs as these guys tried to put it just right.

After the games, it was time to eat. Those were some hungry pirates. On the menu: hotdogs, chips, carrots, cucumbers and cake. We even had to encourage them to stop eating the veggies and finish the hotdogs as we were waiting for the cake. Crazy!

Jaxon decided to get up from his nap and join in on the fun. He wasn't too sure about all of the action and noise, but liked sitting with the birthday boy!

Trying to get some peace and quiet away from the party.

The cake! Amazing! I wish I could take credit for this but I don't think I would be fooling anyone. A lady here in town decorates cakes as a hobby. Carter loved it!

Time to open the gifts. I think the boys were just as excited to have their gift opened as Carter was opening them. Jaxon just wanted the paper.

Do you think he was excited to get this gift? How did Jaxon know he wanted a Power Ranger?

Last game before it was time to go home - treasure hunt. There were 6 clues (pictures actually) hidden around our bay in our neighbours' yards. The boys had to find all of the clues which would then lead them to their treasure (the infamous goodie bags). That was the highlight of the party, other than getting their very own swords to take home.

Cole stayed for the day and the two of the them quickly started playing with all of the new toys once everyone left. Good buddies these two are!

What a great day Carter had with all of his friends. He thought it was pretty cool to have all of his buddies at his housel at the same time. He said to me afterwards, 'Mommy, that was sure nice of my friends to get me all of those presents wasn't it?'